Longreach State School staff are committed to the learning needs of every student. Ranging from staff with many years of experience, to newly trained professionals, we each bring our own passion and dedication to each learning situation. Our classrooms specialise in the early years and middle years of learning. To optimise the benefits for all students, specialist teaching, learning support, special education and student services are offered across all year levels.
2025 Staff
Belinda McKeough Principal
Tracey Hart Head of Curriculum; HASS Prep - 4
Natasha Emery Head of Special Education Services
Melinda Hewson Prep/1
Elizabeth Harwood Year 2
Kate Creese Year 3
Vanessa Forsyth Year 4
Sinead Keating Year 5
Delaney Hoyes Year 6
Rachel Fox Health, Physical Education; Digital Technology
Online Cairns Distance Ed. LOTE
Genevieve Birch Instrumental Music
Matt Christie Guidance Officer
Janet Hatfield District Relief Teacher
Rosemarie Hodder District Relief Teacher
Courtney Ham District Relief Teacher
Jocelyn Stephenson Administration
Mineke Bell Business Manager
Alex Cluff ICT Support
Nicole Harris Teacher Aide
Samantha Steedman Teacher Aide
Chloe Walton Teacher Aide
Kasey Jackson Teacher Aide
Glenn Schwartz Teacher Aide
Tony Tanks Schools Officer - Grounds
Casey Owens Tuckshop Convenor
Joanne Hall Cleaner
Judy Whyte Cleaner
Heidi Fallen Cleaner
Glenn Schwartz Crossing Supervisor